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Super Raschig Ring, PP, 2 inch

Code: 1019305
(0 review)
Pour density, kg/m355
Specific surface area, m2/m3100
Nozzle typeRaschig Ring
Quantity m.cubic9 300
Void factor, %93
ProducerBTS Engineering
Diameter, mm2"
Dimensions, mm2"
Operating temperature-35-60
Applicationочистки газов, декарбонизатора, десорбера, абсорбера, насадочных колонн, сатурации воды, ректификации, дистиляции, дегидратации
Analogue forMACH Engineering LLC, Christy Catalytics, Pall Ring Company, MTE, Ultimo Engineers, НКС DOLSIN, Munters, AMACS, Koch-Glitsch
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Ukraine: Pre-order only
Poland: Pre-order only
Germany: Pre-order only
$49.81 (netto)
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Two layers of wavy bar horizontal cross distribution creates a form which is open from all the sides, and at the same time, provides a large number of contacting points for homogeneous liquids and gas distribution. It is very suitable for liquids contaminated by solids.
Pour density, kg/m355
Specific surface area, m2/m3100
Nozzle typeRaschig Ring
Quantity m.cubic9 300
Void factor, %93
ProducerBTS Engineering
Diameter, mm2"
Dimensions, mm2"
Operating temperature-35-60
Applicationочистки газов, декарбонизатора, десорбера, абсорбера, насадочных колонн, сатурации воды, ректификации, дистиляции, дегидратации
Analogue forMACH Engineering LLC, Christy Catalytics, Pall Ring Company, MTE, Ultimo Engineers, НКС DOLSIN, Munters, AMACS, Koch-Glitsch
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